We're off and running into the new year!
If you're like me, you're sitting in a beautifully organized space
(my library)
, in a favorite chair, wrapped in a blanket, next to a space heater
(it can never be too warm)
, absorbing the sunshine streaming through the window, enjoying a cup of Chai.
Ahhhh, this is how I welcome in the new year s.l.ow.l.y.
Have you set goals and intentions in the new year? Perhaps you've decided to get more organized this year
This is a BIG goal and what does it really mean? In our busy lives today there are many facets to living in organized spaces and having an organized life. Once a person grasps the enormity of the task of "getting organized", it can be difficult to know where to start. Once a start has been made, the work can quickly become overwhelming and then inertia sets in. BAM! another year come and gone with very little organizing progress.
I recommend you pick just one small area of your life to focus on. If this is the first time or the last time you've decided to "get organized", choose an area that is close to your heart.
What area of your life, makes your heart beat a little faster with anticipation and excitement?
Ask yourself, if my ________ was/were organized, how would that feel?
(Insert an area of your life in that blank space.)
Here are a few ideas:
Craft/Hobby Supplies
(pick just one!)
Email Account
Cell phone
Holiday Decorations
Gardening/Yard Tools
Top desk drawer
Paperwork Pile
(just one!)
(for one child, or one vacation, or one special event)
If you start with organizing something you
you're more likely to finish it. If you start with something small, it can be a quick win and the feeling of success will inspire you. And who knows where good feelings can lead?
At the end of 2016, you might just be living a more organized life.
What area came to your mind first?
If you tackle it, I'd love to hear how it went and how it feels now.
Write your comments below by clicking on the "pencil" icon.
Happy New Year friends!